Anavar Cycle: How to Maximize your Gains

Anavar is also known as Oxandrolone which is the most popular steroid in the bodybuilding and fitness world. Many men and women can use the Anavar cycle to improve their physique, strength, and overall performance. Anavar is a mild anabolic steroid that is utilized by powerlifters and bodybuilders. Anavar is not beneficial for massive muscle mass growth, but it gives more effective results in the cutting phase and is able to add lean muscle and impressive strength.

Anavar is a mild anabolic steroid and one of the safest steroids; that is why Anavar for women is widely popular in the bodybuilding world. It is used to decrease body fats and doesn’t cause any severe side effects. This guide helps to run an effective Anavar cycle to maximize its results. It is one of the best options for novice users and the perfect choice to gain impressive strength.

What Is Anavar?

Anavar or Oxandrolone is an oral anabolic-androgenic steroid that is used to promote lean muscle mass and was created in 1964. Initially, it was used to treat muscle wasting conditions or anemia. A pharmaceutical company named G.D Searle & Co has brought Anavar into the market. It has been a successful and effective drug since its development. You can buy high-quality Anavar for sale from the top reputable site.

Anavar or Var is also used in catabolic illness, burn injury, infection, and those recovering from various surgeries. It is also prescribed to treat patients with osteoporosis. It has the ability to enhance bone mineral density in users. A clinical research study has proven Anavar as the safest drug. But note that long-term use and a high dose of Anavar may cause various side effects, so avoid it.

Anavar Dosage And Cycle Information

The Anavar dosage depends on which purposes you’re using it, either for bulking or cutting. Anavar dosage also depends on the user’s gender and their experience levels. Here we will discuss the most recommended dosage for men and women that they can use for bulking and cutting purposes:

→ Anavar Only Cycle For Men

Week Anavar Dosage For Bulking Anavar Dosage For Cutting
Week 1 50 mg per day 20 mg per day
Week 2 70 mg per day 30 mg per day
Week 3 80 mg per day 40 mg per day
Week 4 100 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 5 80 mg per day 60 mg per day
Week 6 60 mg per day
Week 7  50 mg per day
Week 8 40 mg per day

→ Anavar Only Cycle For Women

Week Anavar Dosage For Bulking Anavar Dosage For Cutting
Week 1 5 mg per day 2.5 mg per day
Week 2 10 mg per day 5 mg per day
Week 3 10 mg per day 5 mg per day
Week 4 10 mg per day 10 mg per day
Week 5 10 mg per day 5 mg per day
Week 6 15 mg per day
Week 7  15 mg per day
Week 8 10 mg per day


Anavar Stack Cycle Information

Anavar for women gives effective results, but many male users have reported that Anavar only cycle is not effective, so they use it to stack it with other anabolic steroids such as Winstrol, Clenbuterol, Anadrol, and Testosterone. Here is the best-recommended stack cycle example of Anavar:

→ #1: Anavar Stack Cycle For Bulking Phase

Week Anavar Testosterone Enanthate
Week 1 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 2 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 3 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 4 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 5 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 6 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 7 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 8 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 9 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 10 300 to 500 mg per week

→ #2: Anavar Stack Cycle For Bulking Phase

Week Anavar Anadrol
Week 1 20 mg per day 240 mg per day
Week 2 20 mg per day 240 mg per day
Week 3 20 mg per day 240 mg per day
Week 4 20 mg per day 240 mg per day
Week 5 20 mg per day 280 mg per day
Week 6 20 mg per day 280 mg per day
Week 7 20 mg per day 280 mg per day
Week 8 20 mg per day 280 mg per day

→ #3: Anavar Stack Cycle For Cutting Phase

Week Anavar Clenbuterol
Week 1 10 mg per day 20 mcg per day
Week 2-3 10 mg per day 40 mcg per day
Week 4-6 10 mg per day 60 mcg per day
Week 7-8 10 mg per day 80 mcg per day

Anavar Post-Cycle Therapy

If you’re using Anavar doses under 80 mg per day, you aren’t required to perform the post-cycle therapy. Still, when you use more than 80 mg per day or stack Anavar with other anabolic steroids, performing the PCT cycle after the Anavar cycle is essential. Users can take different supplements such as Clomid and Nolvadex for 20 days. Here is the most common Anavar PCT cycle:

Week Clomid Nolvadex
Week 1 50 mg per day 25 mcg per day
Week 2 50 mg per day 25 mcg per day
Week 3 50 mg per day 25 mcg per day

Anavar Effects In The Body

Anavar can cause both negative and positive effects on the human body. When users take the recommended dosage with protection and the perfect Anavar cycle duration, they will get various positive effects in the body. Users can get effective results when they consume Anavar’s right dosage and the correct stack. Bodybuilders and athletes use it to get numerous as mentioned below:

  • Faster fat burning
  • Greater for weight loss
  • Add lean muscle mass
  • Decrease body fats
  • Hard and tight muscle mass
  • Increase vascularity
  • Significant strength
  • Improve speed, power, and stamina
  • Improve overall strength
  • Less fatigue during the off-season

Anavar is the safest steroid for women. It won’t cause any water retention. It gives excellent results during the cutting phase. Anavar can improve physical performance.

When users consume high doses and long-term use of Anavar, it may cause various adverse effects in the body, as mentioned below:

  • Liver toxic
  • Heart attack
  • Infertility
  • Low cholesterol level
  • Hair loss
  • Kidney damage
  • Testosterone suppression at high doses
  • Thyroid disorder

When women use Anavar’s high dose and long-term use, it may cause various side effects as mentioned below:

  • Irregular Menstrual cycle
  • Deepened voice
  • Breast shrinkage
  • Clitoral enlargement
  • Body and Facial hair growth

Always avoid high dose and long-term use of Anavar to get more effective results with minimum side effects.

Where To Buy Anavar Steroid?

The internet makes it easier for us to buy Anavar steroids online. Still, you should be careful before buying them because many websites sell counterfeit products and legal alternatives that give you zero outcome results.

Remember, only original and high-quality steroid products will give you desirable results and help you to achieve your target goals. So, always buy Anavar online from the top reputable websites. The top websites like anabolic-coach sell 100% original products that directly come from the leading laboratories and help you to get desirable results.


Anavar is a mild anabolic steroid that is used for bulking and cutting purposes. Women use very low doses compared to men. Men users usually stack Anavar with other anabolic steroids to get more effective results. Anavar is the safest anabolic steroid so that it won’t cause any severe side effects. Still, when users consume Anavar’s high dose and use it for the long term, it may cause various adverse side effects that affect the user’s health.

Anavar steroid is widely used to increase significant muscle mass strength and to reduce body fats. It is not that much effective for muscle mass gain, but it gives incredible results for weight loss purposes.

If you need any free advice from our coaching experts, contact us anytime.


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