5 Ways To Workout If You Are Low On Time

The one thing that you need to workout today is time, but unfortunately that is often the one thing that most people claim NOT to have. Is it fair to say that it’s hard to workout because there’s just no time for it?

It may surprise you to learn that you can actually make out time for your workouts even from a very, very busy daily schedule. The workout tips in this article are geared towards helping you achieve a daily exercise routine without hindering your regular activities.

Why Workout Anyway?

Some people tend to mistake physical activities engaged in during a work schedule with workouts. For starters, the former is a chore with no fitness and/or bodybuilding goal proffered while the latter is often based on a systematic program designed to achieve cutting or bulking gains.

When you do regular physical activities, you definitely burn calories, but burning calories is not enough to qualify as a workout. With workouts, your diet and nutrition are just as important as your choice of exercises. Workouts are goal-driven with either a bulking or cutting goal in mind.

Your purpose of work-related activity is to get the job done, but your purpose of working out could be to shed fat, build strength, endurance, stamina, and lean muscle mass.

While your work activities can last for hours at a time, your exercise routine is often less tailored for a short space of time. With this in mind, let’s look at how you can maximize your time to do some workouts even when you seemingly have ‘NO TIME’.

Workout During TV Ad Break

This may surprise you, but you can actually get a good workout going in between TV commercials. Yes, while you get back from work and sit comfortably on your couch, you could turn this moment into an opportunity to stay fit. You can take full advantage of ad breaks on your favorite TV programme.

That 5 minute break is a great time to get up from your couch and train your legs, abs, shoulders, chest, and back with simple exercises like push-ups, V pulses, Russian twists, crunches, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, jump rope, and so on. You will never go wrong when you make it a point of duty to workout in between ad breaks.

Use Your Legs Instead Of The Car

There are several bodybuilding tips out there, but one that everybody can relate to is a simple walk. Instead of always driving your car, you could give your vehicle a break and just go for a walk to work (if your place of work is not too far).

Walking is great for your cardio and you also get to train your leg muscles this way. So whenever you need to go to your local grocery store, pharmacy or pub, take a walk rather than driving and you will be better off for it in the following ways:

  • Walking will help you lose excess body fat and keep a healthy body weight.
  • Walking can help to prevent and even manage otherwise life-threatening health conditions, such as; type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and even cancer.
  • Walking will improve your cardiovascular health and fitness.
  • Walking can help build up your stamina, endurance and energy levels.
  • Walking will strengthen your skeletal muscles and bones.

Perform Short Burst Workouts

It does not matter whether you work from home or work a 9 to 5, you can get some exercises in your very tight schedule just by engaging in short burst workouts.

As the name suggests, you are not spending a lot of time exercising, but instead you spend a short time doing a 5 to 10 minute workout per hour consisting of jumping jacks, front raises, sit-ups, squats, lunges, push-ups or plank exercises.

Short burst workouts are medium intensity exercises that can be beneficial to your cardio while at the same time improving your muscle strength, endurance and stamina.

Try Circuit Workouts

You could also try Circuit Workouts where you combine about 6 to 12 different types of exercises done within a short space of time and with short periods of rest between each exercise. With Circuit Workouts, you perform a predetermined number of sets and repetitions over a period of time. High-intensity interval training or HIIT is a type of Circuit Workout that you can try at home today for enhanced cardio, endurance, and stamina.

Train With Weights Once A Week

If you have a tremendously busy schedule, then you should try to squeeze out time (at least once a week) to train with weights. Training with weights will boost your energy, muscle strength, stamina, and even mood. Training with weight just once in a week provided you include adequate volume, has the potential of increasing your skeletal muscle mass. However, if you are training as a bodybuilder, then lifting weights only once in a week will not cut it. You will need to train with weights at least twice a week, but preferably three times per week in order to attain your bodybuilding goal.

Being “low on time” is really not an excuse to workout and stay fit, as seen in the bodybuilding and workout tips mentioned in this post. You should always try to make out time to get in shape. As mentioned, TV Ad breaks are a good time to work your cardio. You should also try taking a walk more often than driving. Also, try out short burst workouts, circuit and weight training at least once a week. We can help you in drawing up a comprehensive training program, just get in touch with us here today.

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