Stanozolol: The Potent Yet Mild Anabolic Steroid

What Is Stanozolol?

Stanozolol (sometimes called Stano) is an anabolic steroid that is widely known in the bodybuilding and powerlifting circles. It has received a lot of media attention over the years. The whole world’s attention has been fixated on Stanozolol for the numerous doping scandals based on its usage by many top athletes while competing in Olympic games.

Stanozolol often appears in the media’s coverage for its widespread use, though this has been the case for decades ever since the state subsidized doping program of East German athletes. But the 1998 Ben Johnson scandal at the Seoul Olympic Games garnered the largest amount of attention.

We said potent and yet mild steroid in the title of this article. What makes it mild Is the fact that it can be safely used by men and women for its ‘reasonable’ side effects, which we will examine in more depth later in this article. But it has also shown to be a steroid whose effectiveness has very few comparable products, especially when it comes to an item devoted to enhancing the user’s performance.

Although being a huge favorite among competitive bodybuilders, Stano is favored immensely by many performance athletes because it has the keen capacity of dramatically increasing your strength and physical resistance without implying at the same time, the growth of an immense muscular mass that may impair performance. It is ideal for sports where performance improvements are desired without altering the athletes weight too much in any direction.

What Benefits can you expect from using Stanozolol?

If people can name an anabolic steroid by its widely known denomination, it’s usually Winstrol or Stanozolol. But whatever its denomination, the point is that this anabolic steroid is famous worldwide for its several positive side effects, and for many good reasons too.

First of all (and well beyond both the scandals in sports and its performance enhancement features), Stanozolol has represented a very useful tool for modern medical applications and cures – being that its usage is so successful in counteracting the breakdown of lean muscle mass due to various illnesses, and in preserving bone mass when the patient is affected by osteoporosis. Stanozolol has been widely accepted and incredibly successful in treating severe bone fractures. The steroid has never lost its FDA approval, maintained over the years for a variety of medical treatment plans.

In fitness circles, Stanozolol is very highly appreciated and used for its several benefits and positive effects. It can provide enormous increases in strength without changing the user’s physical appearance and body weight, which makes this anabolic steroid really great if you have competitive ambitions.

Instead, if you need to integrate it in a cut, you must note that it does effectively produce an enhanced muscular retention, however the given increased dryness will occur only if you already have a reasonably low amount of body fat.

That said, we can state that the overall Stanozolol benefits include but are not limited to:

  • An enhancement of the general anabolism within the body, which determines an increase of the effects of other steroids being implemented at the same time.
  • An increase in strength levels.
  • Enhanced nitrogen retention (which enhances the maintenance of lean muscular tissue).
  • An enhanced utilization of oxygen.
  • An enhanced assimilation of all the nutrients contained in the foods you consume.
  • An enhanced muscular dryness – if the user is already lean.
  • The enhancement of collagen synthesis, which potentially can lead to better and faster levels of recovery from intense workout sessions.

Most if not all of the above beneficial and positive side effects when implementing Stanozolol are due to the fact that Stano is an anabolic steroid with a low androgenic value (only 20, very low when compared to testosterone’s value of 100) but a very high anabolic rating (320, while testosterone has a value of 100). These values are not just theoretical values, but have indeed been confirmed in the actual supplementation measurements.

Another positive side effect of implementing Stano is that this compound, by means of the attachment of a methyl group to it, provides decent protection of your hormone levels after its administration.

Additionally, Stanozolol is a compound whose effects comprise also a lower quantity in the body of what is known as the Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (SHBG), which determines a bigger quantity of endogenous testosterone available to freely circulate in your organism.

When looking at the features and effects of this compound, we have to thoroughly examine another question that has been thoroughly debated, and still is, albeit not being a major one.

Stanozolol comes in an injectable but also in an oral form. So one given dose of this item is the same in either form. Yet, researchers have often found that the oral variant lowers the SHBG more than its injectable counterpart, but other studies have said that the injectable forms could be somewhat more powerful. However, the said variations and different opinions are somehow not significant, one way or the other, as indeed it is commonly agreed upon that each user should get approximately the same effects from both forms, whichever is the one being implemented.

As said, despite being used to counteract the breakdown of lean tissue, Stano is not quite a steroid one can use alone for bulking, but it sure can be used to enhance the activity of additional anabolic compounds that are being implemented at the same time for the aforesaid purpose. However, being that Stanozolol is toxic to the liver, its use would be better limited to when its use would be very significant for the goals we have previously mentioned.

Much better as an compound for off-season bulking, this steroid could be for female users indeed. Women do show a higher sensitiveness to this steroid, and their usually preferred smaller burst training programs could well take advantage of the implementation of Stanozolol.

Conclusively, it can be said without a doubt that the usage of Stanozolol is far more beneficial for enhancing those performances based on athleticism rather than on sheer muscular mass. These are performances generated by athletes who compete in athletic races, for example, not the bodybuilding or physique-driven athletes. Stano work wonders in increasing your physical strength, which may hugely enhance the power you can use in your training sessions and also the speed at which you can train. Moreover, these performances will be accomplished without the addition of unwanted more body weight – that can hinder your results in whichever sport you perform.

Dosages and Cycles of Stanozolol

Typical dosages for an effective implementation of Stanozolol would be as follows:

General Dosage50 – 100 mg per day over the course of 6 – 8 weeks
Beginners’ dosage50 mg per day
Intermediate user’s dosage75mg per day
Advanced user’s dosage100 mg per day
Female dosage10 – 20 mg per day

Doses at 100 mg (or even above in some circles) should really only be run for a short  7 – 10 day burst period in order to maximize user’s health and safety when using the oral variant. The potential for high toxicity levels that would likely occur when ingesting such an intake could potentially pose an unacceptable risk, depending upon the users’ individual experience and goals.

It’s never to be forgotten that one must always integrate an effective protection cycle therapy, that is by using NolvaGen (Nolvadex)  or AnaGen (Arimidex). Doing so will guarantee the user that their normal organic hormonal output levels are in place, given that it can take up to one full year for testosterone levels to restore normal values after cycling with any anabolic steroid use, if the proper therapy program is forgotten or not adhered to.

The Most Common Side Effects Of Stanozolol

As with all AAS varieties on the market, Stanozolol may determine the onset of negative side effects, hence it is of vital importance that the user is well aware of what they are so as to diffuse any concern they may have if they present themselves without prior knowledge of their existence.

Overall, having said that Stano is considered to be a mild steroid, it would however be much safer to seek medical advice should any of the following issues occur potently and over a sustained period of time:

  • Adverse skin conditions
  • Dynamic alterations in mood
  • Suppression of organic testosterone output
  • Adverse cardiovascular strain
  • Elevated negative cholesterol levels (LDL)
  • Liver hepatotoxicity (with the oral variant)

Again, we reiterate that it is of paramount importance that you only ever administer this item in accordance with the relevant dosage range as per your experience level. You must simply avoid ingesting more than you can handle, thus elevating the risk of side effects arising. And ingesting more than needed will not make your performance, your body or your looks any better.


Leave a Reply
  1. Hola una consulta! Tengo muchas ganas de tomar stano! Me venden STANOZOLAND 10MG de Nederland! Mí consulta es si son buenas!? Q efectos secundarios puedo llegar a tener! Hace 5 meses q voy al gym note cambios pero me gustaría más! En cuanto tiempo se notan los resultados!? Y si es necesario tomar un protector hepático!? Gracas

    • Hola Jorge!

      Gracias por seguir el blog ANABOLIC COACH!
      Te refieres Stanozoland de Landerland?
      La marca landerland es muy bien conocida por su calidad, aunque en los ultimos anos se ha mencionado mucho si se ha bajado la calidad.
      Lo importante es que estes seguro de que lo compras a alguien de confianza.

      Si es necesario de tomar protector hepatico ya que el winstrol, ora o inyectable es AA17.
      Puedes hacer ciclo de 6 semanas.


  2. Buona sera, ho appena finito un ciclo di 10 settimane con 30mg al giorno, quando posso iniziare un nuovo ciclo?


  3. Hola Hermano quiero empezar un ciglo de esteroides pero bien para aumentar maza muscular peso 77 kl ahora estot con estanozolol inyectable de la marca brisitdragon voy por la 3 semana y no me pega nada me veo igual estoy haciendo el ciglo asi
    1 Semana 1centimetro
    2semana 2 centimetros
    3semana 3centimentro
    4 semana 4 centimetros
    5semana 4 centimetros
    6 semana 3 centimetros
    7 semana 2 centimetros
    8 semana 1centimetro

    • Hola Jhonatan

      Gracias por seguir el Blog ANABOLIC COACH!
      El stanozolol no es para aumentar la masa muscular, es mas bien para un ciclo de definicion.
      Si quieres aumentar tu masa mucular necesitas tomar ya sea Testosterona o derivados, Dianabol etc…
      Puedes combinar estos productos con el stanozolol.
      Puedes comprar ANABOLIC COACH en cualquiera de nuestros distribuidores oficiales:


  4. Hola buen artículo y muy interésante. Que te parece esta toma:
    Silarine:Protector epatico
    2-pastillas al día

    Stanosim 10mg:
    1° y 2° semana:
    03- pastillas al día
    1-antes de entrenar
    1-después de entrenar
    1-en la tarde

    3° y 4° semana:
    04-pastillas al día:
    1-antes de entrenar
    1-después de entrenar

    5° semana:
    05-pastillas al día:
    1-antes de entrenar
    1-después de entrenar

    • Buenos dias Johny,

      Gracias por seguir el blog ANABOLIC COACH!

      No es muy comun tomar el winstrol en forma piramidal creciente.
      Puedes tomar directamente 50mg desde el principio, y hacer hasta 6 semanas.


  5. Hola me llamo Sara!
    Voy a empezar a tomar stanozolol para definir un poquito y bajar grasas y quiero evitar al máximo los posibles efectos secundarios.
    Entonces, debería decantarme por el inyectable, en dosis diarias de 10ml, ¿cierto?
    A parte de empezar a tomarlo al día siguiente del fin de mi periodo, ¿debo seguir algún consejo más? Maximo 6 semanas de cliclo y luego descanso? No hay mucha info sobre mujeres y quisiera estar segura de que lo hago bien! Millones de gracias!!!!!!

    • Hola Sara,

      Gracias por seguir el blog ANABOLIC COACH.

      No puedes inyectarte 10ml diarios, es demasiado. En stanozolol no tiene estes por lo tanto necesitas inyecciones casi a diario. Normalmente 1ml cada dos dias, aunque 50mg podria ser demasiado para las mujeres
      Te recomiendo o tomar stanozolol oral y tomando la proteccino higado, o tomar Anavar con la debida proteccion higado tambien. (con el Anavar no tendras problemas con el periodo)


  6. Hola, lei el post y me parece muy completo, soy principiante ando tomando 2 pastillas de 30mg C/U y quiero incluir el clenbu tomando 2 pastillas diarias 40mg entre las dos, mi pregunta es ¿cual seria el horario adecuado para tomarlas? yo entreno en el gym a las 7pm

    • Hola Tono,

      Gracias por seguir el blog ANABOLIC COACH.

      Puedes incluir el clenbuterol en tu ciclo. La forma de tomarlo es dias ON dos dias OFF hasta la duracion del ciclo.
      Puedes tomarlo al mediodia. No influye mucho cuando lo tomes, aunque si puede alterar el sueno.


  7. mi nombre es ximena torres mido 1.62 cm, peso 59 kilos, si me aplico el inyectable de 50mg, esta bien si lo aplico una ampolleta cada 7 dias por el lapso de un mes? y otra pregunta ¿al cuanto tiempo se ven los cambios, busco cambiar la poca grasa corporal que tengo para que se definan finalmente los m,usculos de mi cuerpo y entreno 6 veces a la semana (todos los grupos musculares), te agradezco la ayuda me aplique hoy la ampolleta

    • Buenos dias Ximena,

      El winstrol no lleva ester, pues para tener resultados hay que inyectarse cada dia o cada dos dias. Logicamente esto no es valable para las mujeres.
      Inyectarse 50mg es demasiado para una mujer en una sola vez, y luego estar una semana sin tomar winstrol no tendras resultados.
      Te recomendaria que utilizaces sl StanoGen Oral.


  8. Hola toy ase 1 dia enpezando el ciclo oral del stanozol queria saver si me sirve para aumentar masa muscular y si soy primcipiante cuanto devo tomar ya que me dijieron que tome 3 por dia una en la mñana tarde y noche

    • Hola Francisco,

      Gracias por seeguir el blog ANABOLIC COACH!

      Es winstrol (stanozolol) no es par ganar masa muscular, es mas bien utilizado para secar o definir.
      30 mg aunque es poca esta bien para un princpiante.

      Si quiere ganar masa muscular tendras que dirigirte a otros productos, como el DianaGen.


  9. Stanozolol ist definitiv nicht für Frauen geeignet, weil sie bei längerer Anwendung tatsächlich vermännlichen. Stanozolol hat zwar eine recht geringe androgene Komponente aber es bindet sehr stark an den Androgenrezeptor, was auch der Grund hierfür ist. Es bindet stärker an den Androgenrezeptor als Testo, Dianabol oder Oxymetholon zum Beispiel.

    • Hi Michael!

      Vielen Dank, dass Sie unserem Blog folgen.
      In der Tat wird Winstrol nicht für Frauen empfohlen, da sie unter anderem den Menstruationszyklus verändern können.

      Wie auch immer, mein Rat ist, niedrige Dosen einzunehmen, wenn Sie es verwenden möchten.

      Vielen Dank

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