Dianabol, also commonly known as Methandrostenolone, and Dbol in the bodybuilding community is popular for its outstanding effects which come in forms of large muscle and mass gain, and tremendous strength gain, which is the most sought for effect of anabolic steroids. Dianabol’s advantage over other steroids is that its fast acting, which brings out a whole spectrum of usefulness. That is why it’s best used in a combination with other steroids, as an addition to a well-planned stack. Here we shall give you the insight about good and proper Dianabol Cycles.
Dianabol has a short half-life, so its best used when distributed into three even daily doses, mostly with a meal. This is also the best way to use it, especially when it comes to beginners. It comes in two forms, pill and injectable type, while pills are used more often and they mostly come in forms of 5mg, 10mg and 50mg. This makes it easy to evenly distribute the daily dose. Some bodybuilding veterans are known for using the whole daily dose right before a workout, because that is the time when the blood concentration in the muscles is the highest, but this is somewhat risky as it can put too much pressure on the liver.
Dianabol is mostly used during the off season, when everyone is trying to get more muscular and stronger, and as said before while it can be used alone and with other steroids, it’s wisest to be used in a stack, thus these two methods are most commonly used, kick starting and plateau busting.
- Kick starting is the best way to use Dianabol. While used in a stack other steroids need time to take effects, while Dianabol effects can manifest themselves very quickly. And by the time those other steroids start to work, you have already made some notable gains in both muscle and strength. In this case Dianabol is used between 4 and 8 weeks.
- Plateau Busting is also a powerful and useful way of using Dianabol. A lot of individuals who use steroids hit a wall of stagnation from time to time, and this is exactly where your body needs a push so to speak. This can happen at any time of the cycle, but in most cases it happens at the end of the cycle, between 7th and 10th By using Dianabol at that time, its powerful effects and strength gain will ensure that the actual progress continues. Used for this purpose a Dianabol cycle is rarely used for more than 6 weeks, and in most cases its 4 weeks in total. This type of Dianabol use is mostly used by veterans or individuals who already have some experience with anabolic steroids.
Dianabol gives superior results when stacked together with other compounds, rather than just used alone. However, some people are determined to run Dianabol solo so we have included the most common Dianabol-only cycle here. Dianabol will give a visible return within the first 2-3 weeks. Most users start with a 20mg dose, which can be raised to 50mg, if your body doesn’t manifest any side effects, and for beginners Dianabol shouldn’t be used for more than 8 weeks, and 6 week cycles are the most common.
Here is a standard beginner’s cycle:
Week | Dosage |
Week 1 | 20mg |
Week 2-6 | 30mg |
And for some more advanced users:
Week | Dosage |
Week 1 | 30mg |
Week 2 | 40mg |
Week 3-8 | 50mg |
The reason Dianabol isn’t recommend for use in a solo cycle it would mostly be a waste of time, as you wouldn’t get the desired results. Due to Dianabol’s water retention effect, as soon as you finish the solo cycle, you would deflate, resulting in losing the gains from the cycle. That is why Dianabol is best used in stacks, especially with Testosterone. It will give you that stronger, bulkier and denser look, and the best part is that you get to keep most of your gains. For availability and some general good and useful information about Testosterone we strongly suggest that you follow this link

Dianabol can be stacked with several other steroids, and in every stack it plays a large role when it comes to actual gains. As said before it’s mostly used for its kick starting purpose, giving outstanding gains in both strength and muscle size, especially as some steroids need some time to manifest their effects. In most cases Dianabol is stacked with Testosterone, Trenbolone, Deca-Durabolin, Sustanon, Winstrol and Anavar.
Dianabol is best stacked with Testosterone as they make a great combo together, especially because of its kick starting effect, as Testosterone needs more time to kick in. Having that in mind, we’ve set an ideal stack cycle:
Week | Dosage |
Week 1-5 | 30mg/day of Dianabol |
Week 1-12 | 250/E3D of Testosterone Enanthate |
With Trenbolone:
Week | Dosage |
Week 1-5 | 20-30mg/day of Dianabol |
Week 1-8 | 40-50mg/day of Trenbolone |
With Winstrol:
Week | Dosage |
Week 1-8 | 30-40mg/day of Dianabol |
Week 5-8 | 50mg/day of Winstrol |
With Testosterone Enanthate and Trenbolone:
Week | Dosage |
Week 1-4 | 30mg/day of Dianabol |
Week 1-8 | 40mg/day of Trenbolone |
Week 1-12 | 500mg/E3D of Testosterone Enanthate |
You can see why Dianabol is one of the most used and popular steroids, especially when we talk about a steroid stack cycle. And the best part is that it’s mostly stacked with injectable steroids, which gives less chance of damaging the liver, due to the long cycles.
As all anabolic steroids have possible side effects, the same goes for Dianabol. Most common side effects when using Dianabol are water retention and gynecomastia (male breast enlargement). Both reactions happen due to the increased levels of estrogen in the body. Gynecomastia is the more feared side effects, as its effects can be annoying. One or both breasts can be affected by this, causing the pain in the breasts, and the not so pleasant female breast like look. Water retention, or Moon face (commonly known in bodybuilding community) causes the swelling of the face and neck. And some steroids users tend to think that the effect of water retention is actually fat, which really isn’t the case here. It’s just too much water in your body, caused by the aromatizing of the hormones.
Some other side effects that can also manifest are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, acne, oily skin, male baldness, mood swings, testicular atrophy and testosterone suppression. As with all oral steroids, Dianabol can also cause liver toxicity. The good side here is that Dianabol, in most cases isn’t used for more than 6 weeks, which greatly reduces the chance for this type of side effect. Dianabol, like all hormones which raise testosterone, can cause virilization in women. Most common symptoms are deepening of the voice, clitoral enlargement and hair growth.
As said many times before, some individuals may suffer from all these side effects, and some on the other hand can be unaffected. It depends of genetic predisposition, body tolerance to the product, how high are the doses, and for how long is the product used. Generally most side effects are cause by improper using, where in most cases the doses are too high. With a good cycle plan, and controlled doses, the actual side effects can be controlled. Also an aromatase inhibitor can be used to reduce estrogen conversion, which will greatly reduce the potentional side effects, especially gynecomastia.
Three most commonly used are:
- Arimidex (Anastrozole)
- Aromasin (Exstemesane)
- Femara (Letrozole)
Like with all steroids, a good PCT plan should be implemented at the end of the cycle. The use of SERM (Clomind and Nolvadex) and aromatase inhibitors (Arimidex, Aromasin and Femara) is of great importance when it comes to Dianabol Cycles. Also some users also include the use of HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), in most cases before the use of SERM. When it comes to Dianabol PCT, it all depends of the actual cycle, for how long was it used and with how high doses.
Some commonly used cycles for PCT are:
Week | Dosage |
Week 1 | Clomid 150mg/day + Nolvadex 60mg/day |
Week 2 | Clomid 100mg/day + Nolvadex 40mg/day |
Week 3 | Clomid 50mg/day + Nolvadex 20mg/day |
Stronger cycles may require higher doses of and longer duration of PCT. It mostly depends on the actual compounds that were used in the cycle.
When HCG is implemented into a PCT:
Week 1 | Dosage |
Week 1 | HCG 500-1000iu/day + 40mg/day of Nolvadex |
Week 2 | HCG 500-1000iu/day + 20mg/day of Nolvadex |
The success of a steroid cycle depends on the PCT as well. And with a good PCT plan, you will save your gains and protect your body while striving for a better and stronger version of yourself.
Hola tengo Dianabol y Winstrol y me gustaría saber si debería de tomarme algo más durante el ciclo y que en el post ciclo por favor díganme, muchas gracias por toda la información.
Hola James,
Gracias por seguir el blog ANABOLIC COACH!
Todo depende de tu objetivo. Si quieres aumentar en masa magra, DianaGen/StanoGen ya es suficiente.
Protecciones durante el ciclo:
– 1 comprimido de AnaGen cada dos dias durante la duracion del ciclo
– 3 comprimidos de SamaGen cada dia durante la duracion del ciclo
– 1 comprimido de ClomiGen cada dia durante 20 dias
– 1 comprimido de NolvaGen cada dia durante 20 dias
Puedes comprar los productos en cualquier de nuestros distribuidores oficiales:
Buenas tardes tengo una duda en que semanas debo administrarme los inhibidores de la aromatasa como el Arimidex?
Y el plan PCT se administra es al final del ciclo? Es decir a la semana siguiente de haber culminado el ciclo con Dianabol y testosterona.. gracias
Hola Jose Antonio!
Gracias por seguir el blog ANABOLIC COACH.
Hay distintas maneras de administrarse los protectores durante el ciclo y la PCT.
Como normal general el Arimidex debes tomarlo durante el ciclo a razon de 0.5mg cada dos dias ( 1 comprimido de AnaGen cada dos dias)
Cuando empezar la PCT varia segun los anabolicos consumidos, es decir:
– Anabolico de ester largo empiezas a tomar la PCT despues de 18/21 dias de haver terminado el ciclo
– Anabolico de ester corto, puedes empezar al dia siguiente
En tu caso que tomas testo ( diagmos que es Enantato) y dianabol debes empezar la PCT despues de 18/21 dias de haber terminado el ciclo.
Hola. Quisiera adquirir un producto para aumentar la masa muscular.
Hola Saul!
Gracias por seguir el blog ANABOLIC COACH!
Hay varios productos disponibles para aumentar la masa muscular:
– DianaGen
– TestoGen250
– SustaGen250
– TrenaGen mix150
Puede incluso hacer stacks para tener mejores resultados.
Hola buen día
Soy Omar tengo tiempo haciendo gym pero nunca he usado alguna sustancia. Dónde puedo adquirir sus productos y en qué ciudades se ubican, me puedes dar más información.
Hola Omar,
Gracias por seguir el blog ANABOLIC COACH!
Contacta a cualquiera de nuestros revendedores oficiales, estaran mas que dispuestos a ayudarte a preparar tu primer ciclo con productos Myogen.
En este link puedes ver los distribuidores oficiales:
Amigo buenas noches necesito saber cuanto debo de esperar de un ciclo a otro con dianabol?
Hola Rubiel!
Gracias por seguir el blog ANABOLIC COACH!
El tiempo de espera varia segun los productos tomados y las dosis.
Como norma general es adecuado esperar 3 meses entre ciclos.
Hola amigo buenas noches
Que diera saber cuanto tiempo debo esperar de un ciclo a otro? Gracias
Hola Rubiel!
Gracias por seguir el blog ANABOLIC COACH!
El tiempo de espera varia segun los productos tomados y las dosis.
Como norma general es adecuado esperar 3 meses entre ciclos.
Hola Q tal me puedo poner el dianabol directo en los músculos de las piernas para ganar masa muscular
Hola carlos,
El dianabol que nosotros tenemos es via oral.
Hay dianabol inyectable en el mercado, aunque lo veo inconveniente para el consumo. Eso si no es toxico para le higado.
Hola , llevo.cuatro años entrenando y me e estancado quisiera q me recomendadas un ciclo completo desde la pretenciones elástica y la q debo tomar antes y después cantidades y demás , lo q pasa es que yo nunca e usado esteroides
Buenos dias Jose!
Gracias por seguir nuestro blog Myogen
Consulta con nuestros distribuidores oficiales para que preparen un ciclo personal para ti
no entrendi lo del novaldex y el clomid, esas cantidades allí son diarias o son a la semana ?
Por día hicimos el cambio en el tablero.
Hola soy juan y quiero que me ayudeis por favor soy principiante y estoy haciendo un mes jimnasia en casa porque tengo maquinas y decidi tomar dianabol en pastillas ya llevo.dos.semanas pero aun no noto nada simpllemente noto que estoy mas fuerte por el.ejercicio darme algun consejo como bien cosas que no.engorden mucho porque yo ya tengo cuerpo y poco de barriga pero saci nada y me apuntado al gimnasio haber si gano mas fuerza cualquier consejo lo.agradeceria un saludo
Hola Juan,
Gracias por su interés, pero no damos consejos de ciclo.
Nuestros revendedores tienen capturas que responderán a su pregunta, aquí está la lista: