A Complete Guide to Oral Turinabol


(also known as Tbol, or Oral Turinabol) is a modified version of Dianabol (Methandienone or Methandrostenolone). Its complete chemical denomination is 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone.

This modification prevents Turinabol from being aromatized and does not modify its enzymatic attitude in estradiol. It also possesses a low androgenic rating, which is the reason why Turinabol is also known as the ‘Light Dianabol’.

Tbol was developed in 1962 and marketed by the lab Jenapharm (located in what was then East Germany). Turinabol was favored in medical circles for its ability to separate its anabolic and androgenic effects, favoring the anabolic ones.

Consequently, being so similar to Anavar or Primobolan, oral Turinabol was widely used in the past century by doctors not only for male adults, but also for women and children. Historically, Turinabol was administered in two different forms, being 1 mg + 5mg tablets. The 1 mg type was used for individuals who were more sensitive to anabolic steroid therapies (like women and children).

It was prescribed for a wide array of illnesses, but mainly for the promotion of lean muscle mass. It proved especially effective for individuals who were hospitalized for a long time or those severely weakened. Turinabol also became a favored aide for increasing skeletal resistance and mass.

The Anabolic Athletes of East Germany

Later, in the 1990s, Tbol became one of the most used anabolic steroids by the East German athletes. Their infamous state-sponsored doping programs saw widespread use amongst athletes.

Such programs were developed by the Eastern German authorities during the late sixties. They were enacted for about 15 consecutive years (in the 1974-1989 period of time). Their precise intention was to administer anabolic steroids to all East German athletes (with athletes being unaware). This enabled East Germany to dominate the Olympic Games and other international sports events.

The way of pursuing their goal was by misleading anti-doping controls through widespread administration of an undetectable product. The athletes who took those blue little pills were told that they contained vitamins! Later, it was discovered that those ‘innocent’ supposedly vitamin-filled blue pills was in fact oral Turinabol. It was eventually found also that about 10,000 athletes (both men and women) were administered anabolic steroids over 25 years.

How East Germany Influenced Steroid Use Today

After the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989), some interesting statistics came to light about the East German Olympic team. It was found that male weightlifters used Tbol at the individual level of about 27 mg per day on average. And the female athletes had used Turinabol at a dosage of anywhere between 15 mg and 35 mg per day. This caused huge effects in terms of these women’s masculinization. The best East German sprinters had been using approximately 2 mg of Turinabol per pound of body weight per day. All this within that state-governed program of massive and indiscriminate doping.

Then in 1994, the company Jenapharm stopped all production and distribution of oral Turinabol.  The reason was essentially due to the growing attention of all the mass media and sports observers world wide. This led to several negative reports that painted the entire world of anabolic steroids in a bad light. This also led to the withdrawal of many other anabolic steroids and of the relevant brands from the market.

Jenapharm was eventually acquired by the company Schering AG in 1996, but the production of Tbol was never again resumed. Its legal marketing stopped in that year and is nowadays mostly manufactured in underground labs and in some third-world countries.

The Attributes That Make Turinabol So Effective

As said before, Turinabol is in fact a modified version of Dianabol (Methandrostenolone); it has the same chemical structure as its parent steroid, with the addition of a chlorine group. Tbol consequently becomes a milder steroid compared to Dianabol with marginally different effects .

Turinabol has an anabolic rating of 54 (compared to the value of 100 for testosterone). It also has a low androgenic rating of 6 (again compared to the value of 100 for testosterone). In comparison, Dianabols anabolic/androgenic ratings are 90-210, respectively. The very different ratings of Turinabol in terms of anabolic and androgenic power make it especially useful for medical reasons.

A particularly appealing feature of Turinabol is it lasts longer than most oral AAS, requiring a much less frequent administration; it has a fairly good capacity of binding to the SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin); but it also is a C17-alfa alkylated, which involves a certain degree of toxicity for the liver; it has a double bond in the carbon positions no. 1 and 2, and this double bond is responsible for the lower androgenic effect; finally, as said before, a chlorine group has been added in the carbon position no. 4, which is what makes it non aromatized and weaker in terms of its androgenic effects.

Turinabol And Bodybuilding

The first thing that has to be underlined is that Tbol is not a substitute for Dianabol. In fact, Turinabol has some features that allow it to be useful in the definition phase. Comparatively, Dianabol is best in cycles when bodybuilders need to increase their mass. Turinabol is used in the muscle mass phase only when it is associated with a steroid like testosterone. This is essentially because of their mutual synergic effects, which are indeed favored by Tbol’s SHBG binding ability.


Turinabol has a great application when it comes to the male and female aesthetic professional sector. Its improves the user’s muscular definition while maintaining muscular mass even, when supplemented at fairly low dosages.

Also, it must be noted that Turinabol, because of its anabolic/androgenic ratio of 9:1, has a very favorable ratio between its widespread benefits and its collateral effects. This is a very important feature for any anabolic steroid on the market. Given that it’s well known that each and every compound can manifest unwanted side effects of a certain degree according to its active ingredient(s) and dosages, Turinabol certainly represents the most favorable ratio between positive and potential negative effects.

What To Expect from Turinabol

The main benefits that Turinabol offers include:

  • A higher capacity of using oxygen, which elevates the resistance levels of your body.
  • A greater anabolic potential, which can determine a more consistent muscular growth.
  • An increased recovery capacity between your training sessions.
  • The enhancement of all the effects determined by other anabolic steroids implemented during your cycle.
  • A greater ability in the maintenance of lean muscle mass over time.
  • A better uptake of all nutrients of your diet.
  • A potentially superior muscular dryness when Tbol is implemented in a definition cycle.

Should Turinabol Be Used For Cutting Or Bulking?

As briefly mentioned before, Turinabol is an anabolic steroid which represents one of the best choices in terms of what support could be assigned by the administration of an anabolic agent to all those people – males, females and children alike – who need to maintain muscular mass while having to be in a status of prolonged immobilization. For example, people who have been involved in an accident and are being hospitalized, hence having to spend a lot of time in bed, or people who are subject to anabolic issues deriving from enzymatic and / or psychological diseases, or also people who are in need of maintaining their skeletal integrity (for example, because of senile osteoporosis).

Although Turinabol does allow for the opportunity of a decent gain in muscularity. This is especially when adequately associated with a proper low-calorie diet. It does all this with very few and mild collateral effects. However it certainly cannot represent an optimal solution if used alone for bulking.

In fact, when it comes to muscular mass (like those masses sought after in the professional bodybuilding circles), and especially the kind of huge masses one can appreciate at official contests like Mr Olympia, Turinabol would be able to make its users achieve such gains only by being supplemented in very high dosages for a very prolonged period of time . But in such cases, the administration of those high doses of Tbol would be such that the ensuing toxicity for the liver would far be too risky and certainly not worth the price to be paid, hence the solution represented by other anabolic steroids for this purpose.

Optimal Dosages for Aesthetic Applications

In the modeling area, users are in search of muscular tone, a reduced body fat % and of a moderate muscular mass, with also some great definition of their overall muscle appearance. For this purpose, an appropriate program of implementation of Tbol would be a dosage of anywhere between 15 mg and 30 mg per day. This should be subdivided in two daily administrations, one in the morning and one in the evening, for a period of time of anywhere between 8 weeks and 12 weeks.

The Side Effects of Turinabol

As mentioned before, Turinabol is considered as being in nature a very ‘mild’ anabolic steroid regarding its side effects. It shares this feature with other anabolic steroids as Anavar and Primobolan, and namely boasts an androgenic rating of 6. This is perhaps the lowest of its category, while Anavar has a rating of 24 and Primo sits at 44.

It can then be correctly said that the side effects of a ‘regular’ administration of Turinabol are almost absent. But there is no such a thing as a ‘perfect drug’ in terms of no possible side effects at all, and Turinabol (though in a very mild manner) does have its own share of possible side effects.
Let’s have a look now at the particular categories – estrogenic and androgenic, essentially – of the negative side effects of this anabolic steroid.

The Estrogenic Side Effects of Turinabol

Turinabol is a modified form of Dianabol, but while Dianabol has generally mild estrogenic effects, Turinabol has none. This is the result of attaching a chlorine group to the carbon position no. 4 in the steroid’s structure, which blocks the aromatase enzyme from converting Turinabol into estrogen. Hence, no whatsoever dosage of Turinabol will determine estrogenic effects.

The Androgenic Side Effects of Turinabol

The particular modification in the chemical structure of Turinabol which is represented by the double bond between carbon positions no. 1 and no. 2, together with the above stated chlorine group being attached, allow for a low androgenic value by this anabolic steroid. However, even if its effects are lower than those which characterize other AAS, they are still something users will have to responsibly deal with.

What will reduce the risk of any androgenic side effects will be not exceeding the recommended dose.

With reference to male users, dosages of up to 40 mg per day (for no longer than a 3-month administration period) will determine an almost insignificant impact in terms of Turinabol’s androgenic side effects, unless the user has displayed a genetic predisposition to higher than normal effects by the individual user.

Female users, on the other hand, won’t suffer from the androgenic side effects of administering Turinabol. But this is provided that their intake does not exceed on average 10 mg per day.

One particular factor common to both male and female users with regards to the onset of those side effects could be the length of time Turinabol pills are being supplemented. In general, after implementing them for five years, although not in a continuous manner, some androgenic side effects could manifest themselves at some point in time; as those hereinafter mentioned, though they do not represent at all a comprehensive list:

  • More oily skin than usual
  • Acne
  • Growth of hair on the face and on the body
  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy
  • Hair loss in individuals genetically prone to alopecia
  • The phenomenon known as masculinization in women, at times irreversibly so, when daily dosages would exceed the above stated 10 mg per day for prolonged periods of time.

Additional Potential Side Effects of Turinabol

Individuals who have a peculiar sensitivity to this anabolic steroid may experience a reduction in

their endogenous (that is, in their natural body’s) production of testosterone. Such users are advised to perform a cycle of either Nolvadex or HCG anywhere between 6 weeks and 8 weeks after the end of their time with Tbol.

It is also advisable to perform regular blood composition checks of endogenous testosterone, given that this value may be impaired to such a point that the endogenous production could eventually disappear, which could then require a lifetime administration of replacement therapies based typically on the administration of exogenous testosterone.

Also, while the above-mentioned ‘regular’ dosages do not normally require any PCT (Post Cycle Therapy), there have been some rare news regarding users who have pushed the limit to as far as implementing 80 mg of Tbol per day. In the absence of any updated and reliable information as to which is the really safe margin about daily quantities of Turinabol, would definitely require some sort of PCT.

Also, despite Turinabol being a C17-alpha alkylated compound, it shows a great tolerance with reference to the liver. Generally speaking, dosages up to 30 mg per day have a mild effect on the liver. However this effect does rise exponentially when administering something like 60 mg to 80 mg per day!

The Take Away

In conclusion, moderate doses do not represent a substantial risk for those who have healthy and young livers. However high dosages over a prolonged period of time may require some medical attention.

It’s on the cardiovascular aspect, however, and namely on the cholesterol levels, that all AAS (including Tbol) may generally manifest potential side effects. The common and unwanted principal side effect is certainly the reduction of the HDL (High Density Lipoproteins, or ‘good’ cholesterol) levels and the increase of the LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins, or ‘bad’ cholesterol) ones. This really increases the chances of such illnesses as atherosclerosis (or arterial sclerosis) in a fashion which is directly proportional to both the dosages and to the administration period.

Although there is practically no medical or clinical evidence about this, we know on the basis of experimental observations that Tbol has a strong negative effect on the liver’s ability to process cholesterol. It is not advised to administer a Turinabol cycle to individuals with high blood pressure, or high total cholesterol values (or even have a HDL to LDL ratio) exceeding the norm.


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    • Ahoj!
      Díky za blog ANABOLIC COACH!

      ano, můžete kombinovat Turinabol a testosteron, žádný problém vůbec.
      Při užívání steroidů je vždy plný žaludek.


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