Holistic Health Trends in Women’s Fitness

When women’s fitness is mentioned at any gathering, most people would almost always point to toning, weight loss, and the attainment of a stereotypical feminine physique.

However, recent trends in middle-aged women’s fitness routines suggest that there is now a shift from what has been the norm for decades.

These days more women seem to be putting more emphasis on functional training as opposed to aesthetics, wellness or form. Middle-aged women appear to be more focused on improving their overall strength, mental health and longevity.

Rather than worrying about validation from the outside world including relatives, friends, colleagues and total strangers, more women are choosing their general physical and mental wellness in place of physical attraction and public acceptance.

In other words, women in their 40s, 50s and beyond seem to be more receptive to holistic fitness practices due to their long-term benefits.

In this article, we explore the growing trend of holistic fitness amongst middle-aged women and how this trend is impacting the fitness industry.

We will also take a look at the mental health benefits of exercise for women as well as how this holistic fitness approach is positively influencing hormonal balance in middle-aged women around the world.

Why Are Middle-aged Women’s Fitness Routines Trending?

The fitness industry is notoriously calculating in its targeting of young men and women through sustained advertising that focuses on promoting the “perfect” body type.

The fitness industry often pushes the narrative that women should have a slender physique which can be achieved through weight loss fitness programs.

However, this narrative is quickly changing with the involvement of more middle-aged women in the fitness industry.

As a matter of fact, a recent study suggests that there are a greater number of middle-aged women (40 to 50 years) involved in fitness activities compared to a much younger generation of fitness enthusiasts.

Another research by the  United Kingdom based organization, Vitality suggests that one (1) out of four (4) perimenopause women engage in near daily or every other day workout routines in comparison to one (1) out of five (5) young adult women (particularly those in their 20s).

The primary reason for the rise in the number of middle-aged women involved in fitness can be attributed to the motivation of these women to live a healthier lifestyle due to medical concerns, such as; preventing cardiovascular and osteoporosis health problems.

In addition to this, middle-aged women take to holistic health trends in women’s fitness that focuses on building strength, enhancing mobility and improving longevity rather than emphasizing on fitness primarily for aesthetic reasons.

What is more interesting is how quickly players in the fitness industry have adapted to this change by structuring their gyms and fitness studios to be more accommodating to middle-aged women with customized workout programs specifically designed for 40, 50 and 60 year old women.

These personalized workout programs offer both mobility and strength training routines rather than sessions primarily focused on weight loss which is more in demand by women in their 20s and 30s.

Holistic Health Trends in Women’s Fitness and the Impact of Menstrual Cycle on Women’s Fitness

The most common holistic health trends in women’s fitness include:

The Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection involves merging time tested mindfulness routines that improve mental health with fitness sessions that boost both strength and mobility.

Popular mindfulness routines that you can include to your functional fitness sessions are yoga, meditation, and breathwork. These practices help to improve your mental health by significantly reducing anxiety and stress.

Recovery-based Workouts

Middle-aged women now engage in recovery-based workouts by engaging in a number of body positivity movement in women’s health like stretching, restorative movement, and foam rolling.

Balanced Workouts

Balanced workouts is another one of the very popular holistic health trends in women’s fitness. The last thing you need when working out is to experience burnout due to overtraining.

However, balanced workouts help to prevent injuries caused by overtraining and burnout as well as fluctuations in hormonal levels.

Speaking of fluctuations in hormone levels, it is worth noting that hormonal imbalances are quite common in middle-aged women.

These hormonal fluctuations lead to a myriad of changes in the body including a drop in energy levels, a slower muscle recovery and metabolism.

Middle-aged women in their perimenopause or menopausal stage experiencea decline in their estrogen levels which can cause adversely impact fat distribution, muscle mass, and bone density.

With a rise in cortisol (stress hormone) levels,  middle-aged women can experience poor muscle recovery, increased inflammation, and weight gain while fluctuations in testosterone levels can affect both your recovery speed and ability to build muscle mass.

By engaging in low-impact cardio and strength training sessions, you can improve your cardiovascular conditioning, regulate cortisol levels, preserve muscle mass and increase your metabolic rate at the same time.

The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise for Women

The importance of mental health as a major part of the holistic health trends in women’s fitness cannot be overemphasized. Studies have shown that middle-aged women that engage in regular fitness routines experience vast improvements in their cognitive function, anxiety and stress levels, and overall mood.

The growing rise in the number of community-driven fitness programs help middle-aged women to stay motivated throughout their training regimen. Having the support of your peers under a cordial, non-judgmental environment can be quite empowering and can greatly improve self-confidence.

What is the Body Positivity Movement in Women’s Health and Fitness?

The beauty standards that societyplaced on women has been in existence for several decades now. For a long time, women were required to lose weight and attain a physique reminiscent of supermodels.

However, with the body positivity movement in full swing, the world is shaping up for a change in what was previously perceived to be societies standard for beauty in women.

Body positivity in health and fitness simply means paying attention to what your body is capable of doing instead of what it actually looks like. It involves celebrating training progress with emphasis on endurance and strength gains instead of worrying too much about your weight.

The body positivity movement encapsulates a mindset shift from self-blame and body shaming to self appreciation, self-care, mental resilience and self-confidence.


Remember, fitness and health are a lifelong journey. Middle-aged women are now leading the way in promoting holistic health trends in women’s fitness that focuses more on mental health and functional fitness rather than just appearance. If you want more information about fitness trends for women over 40, you can get free coaching from an expert today.

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