What Body Type Do You Have? Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or Endomorph?

What you need to know before you venture into the world of bodybuilding is that there is really no standardized workout plan for everyone. In fact, what works for your next door neighbor may not necessarily work for you. Your body type is one of the major factors that can determine how fast you meet your fitness goals. So it goes without saying, that before you plan out a workout and diet schedule, you need to fully know and understand your respective body type.

Essentially, there are three body types you should know about and these are Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph. Now each of these body types come with their peculiar traits that ultimately affect a person’s metabolic rate, distribution of fat, and ability to either lose body fat or gain skeletal muscles.

Once you are able to know your body type, you will then be on the right path to having a personalized training program and nutrition plan structured to meet your muscle building and performance-related goals.

This guide explores the innate characteristics of each of the body types mentioned earlier, as well as how you can identify the body type that is ideally suited to your fitness goals while also providing useful training and nutrition tips for each body type.

But first, let’s take a quick look at what these three body types are all about.

What Exactly is a Body Type?

Typically, a body type is a physiological categorization that ultimately guides a person’s physical response to both exercise and nutrition.

That being said, it is important to note that a person’s genetic makeup is crucial in determining what body type the individual may be genetically predisposed to having despite the amount of training and diet that person may be exposed to.

As mentioned before, there are three major body types and these are – Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph. Each of these body types have their peculiar characteristics that can influence metabolism, fat storage, and muscle gain.

Here’s a breakdown of each body type. You will get to know their unique traits as well as the best training and nutrition plan to adopt. As an added bonus, you will also get your hands on some dietary tips for each body type.

The Ectomorph Body Type:

People with this body type are also known as “hard gainers” due to the fact that it is pretty hard to build muscle mass or gain weight with an Ectomorph body type.

How do you know if you are an Ectomorph? Well, for starters, you will have a lean, slender and somewhat slim build. This is mainly due to the fact that Ectomorphs have a fast metabolic rate that keeps them lean and makes it hard for them to add weight or build significant muscle mass.

The Characteristics of Ectomorph Body Type:

If you have an Ectomorph body type, you will have a delicate, slim frame with narrow hips and shoulders. You tend to burn calories at a quick rate as a result of your fast metabolism. Gaining both muscle and fat would be an uphill battle if you are an Ectomorph and you should expect to have a low body fat percentage.

But while Ectomorphs find it hard to gain fat or muscle mass, you can still work around this body type to improve your physique. However, this often involves a dedication to weight training and a diet high in calories.

Remember that your body tends to burn calories quickly, so a high calorie diet is absolutely a must if you are an Ectomorph. Your strength training should involve compound lifts aimed at stimulating a number of muscle groups, such as; bench press, deadlifts, and squats.

Strategies to a Ectomorph Body Type Workout Plan:

If you find out that you have an Ectomorph body type, you should focus on compound lifts with heavy weights. Aim for a low to moderate repetition (reps) range of between 5 to 8 reps for each set.

In addition to this, you should try as much as possible to limit your cardio sessions in order to prevent excessive calories expenditure which would be detrimental to your body’s ability to build muscle.

What Makes Up an Ectomorph Diet?

In order to counteract your body’s fast metabolism as an Ectomorph, you need to stay on a calorie surplus diet. This diet should consist of high amounts of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and proteins.

When you consume more calories than you burn, your body would have the right amount of calories necessary for adding weight and building muscle mass. To keep your calories up, you can have frequent small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day.

Dietary Tips for Ectomorphs:

As an Ectomorph, you can take these three dietary tips to heart.

  1.  Make sure you eat foods that offer a high amount of calories. Whole grains, avocados, and nuts are nutrient-dense foods you should not ignore.
  2. To keep your calories up, you should try eating as often as possible on a daily basis, particularly on training days. Having between 5 and 6 small meals daily should ensure that your body has the optimal amount of carbs, fats, and protein to meet your bodybuilding goals.
  3. Note that your post-workout diet should consist of high amounts of protein to promote quick skeletal muscle repair, recovery and mass gains.

The Mesomorph Body Type:

If you have a Mesomorph body type, then you are blessed indeed. Mesomorphs are a genetical specimen with a balanced metabolic rate for losing body fat and adding muscle mass. Mesomorphs have the perfect bodybuilding physique that can be improved (with exercise and diet) for optimal results.

The Characteristics of Mesomorph Body Type:

If you have a naturally athletic and muscular physique, then you can consider yourself a Mesomorph. This physique is often characterized by a narrow waistline and broad shoulders. Mesomorphs tend to respond very well to cardio and strength training often resulting in impressive skeletal muscle gains.

Also, having a balanced metabolic rate gives Mesomorphs a greater chance of preserving muscle gains and keeping a lean, ripped physique.

Strategies to a Mesomorph Body Type Workout Plan:

If you have a Mesomorph body type, then you should ensure that your training program consists of a good mix of compound lifts incorporating progressive overloads, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio.

Your HIIT sessions should take place twice or thrice a week while isolation exercises should also be an integral part of your training routine which can be done four or five times in a week.

What Makes Up a Mesomorph Diet?

As a Mesomorph, you should focus on having a balanced nutrition plan that includes appropriate amounts of macronutrients to help you gain weight, build muscle mass and perform at optimal levels during training.

Dietary Tips for Mesomorphs:

For your daily nutrition plan aim for a diet consisting of :

  • Carbs (40%),
  • Fats (30%),
  • Protein (40 %).

Protein helps in promoting quick muscle repair after a rigorous workout session, and muscle recovery and growth. Your daily protein consumption as a Mesomorph should be approximately 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.

To keep your energy levels high before, during and after your respective workout routine, try consuming healthy fats, such as; fatty fish, nuts, and olive oil.

The Endomorph Body Type:

What makes Endomorphs standout is that their physique is usually softer and more rounded than Ectomorphs or Mesomorphs caused by a much slower metabolic rate.

The slow metabolism of Endomorphs causes them to gain body fat easier in comparison to Mesomorphs or Ectomorphs. The main problem with being an Endomorph is weight gain, but one advantage Endomorphs have is that they tend to build muscle quicker than Ectomorphs.

The Characteristics of Endomorph Body Type:

Endomorphs have a soft, rounded physique that is characterized by a wide waistline and broad hips made this way because of the extra fat storage which contributes to

Endomorphs having difficulty losing weight.

If you happen to be an Endomorph, you most likely have a slow metabolism that causes you to gain body fat and muscle mass easily.

As an Endomorph, you need to plan for a cutting program aimed at promoting fat loss while preserving your muscle gains.

By combining HIIT cardio with resistance training, you should regulate your body fat and build lean muscle mass in the process.

Strategies to an Endomorph Workout Plan and Weight Loss Tips:

  1. Engage in HIIT cardio, and circuit training to burn excess body fat. You should also have a weight training routine, but rather than lifting heavy weights like a Mesomorph, you should focus on lifting light weights, but with a high repetition range.
  2. You should perform HIIT cardio sessions three to four times a week.
  3. You need to keep your heart rate up, so try combining interval or circuit training with resistance training.
  4. One way to burn excess body fat is by engaging in total body workouts, such as; bodyweight movements, kettlebell swings, and burpees.

What Makes Up an Endomorph Diet?

Typically as an Endomorph you should focus on a calorie deficit diet consisting of a low consumption of carbs. In addition to watching your calorie intake, you also need to avoid certain foods like refined and processed foods which can cause you to gain excess weight.

Dietary Tips for Endomorphs:

  1. Maintain a moderate fat, high protein, and low carb diet.
  2. Consume lots of lean protein like eggs, fish, and chicken.
  3. Make sure you consume a lot of veggies like spinach, broccoli, and asparagus.
  4. Once again avoid consuming refined or processed foods like burgers, French fries, and sodas.

How do You  Identify Your Body Type?

To identify your body type you need to assess your natural physique, your body’s ability to lose or gain weight, and its ability to add muscle mass. What is interesting to note is that there are many individuals that are neither Ectomorphs, Mesomorphs or Endomorphs, but actually have more than one body type. You may have a person with an Ectomorph and Mesomorph body type and are therefore ‘Ecto-Mesomorphs’.

If you want to know what body type you have, you can ask yourself a few basic questions;

  1. Do you gain weight easily?
  2. Do you lose weight easily?
  3. Are you blessed with a muscular physique?
  4. Do you find it difficult to gain muscle mass?
  5. How is your metabolic rate? Is it slow, moderate or fast?

Customize Your Workout to Your Body Type:

Now that you know what body type you have, you simply have to channel your efforts into structuring a workout plan that meets the training and dietary needs peculiar to your body type.

As a reminder, if you are an Ectomorph, you should concentrate on running a calorie surplus dietary plan with a muscle building workout program.

In case you are a Mesomorph, you need to have a good mix of intense exercise and balanced nutrition to build and preserve muscle gains while controlling your body fat in the process.

For Endomorphs, the primary focus should be losing body fat through the combination of a calorie deficit diet and HIIT cardio.

Whatever your body type may be, you can seek assistance with your training and nutrition with free coaching from an IFBB PRO at Anabolic Coach today.


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