Why Low-Impact Workouts for Women Is The New Fitness Trend

If there is one industry that is constantly evolving that even the most committed participants may find it a bit of a chore to keep up, it is the fitness industry.

What’s more, women seem to be at the center of the fitness evolution by being at the forefront of the shift from one fitness trend to another.

It seemed not too long ago when high-intensity or impact workouts was the be-all and end-all of endurance and strength training where high-impact routines like lifting heavy weights, jumping and running were often recommended by fitness coaches to anyone looking to build and improve their overall performance.

However, in recent times many fitness coaches are seeing the benefits of combining strength training without heavy weights with low-impact workouts for building endurance, flexibility and strength.

As a matter of fact, popular low-impact workouts for women like walking, Pilates and yoga are very much preferred options in daily routines because they tend to be less strenuous on the joints while still offering similar performance gains as typical strength training sessions with emphasis on lifting heavy and progressive overload.

Today, more women appear to be driven by a desire to not only improve their physique, but to also stay healthy in the long-run with holistic, joint-friendly fitness routines.

With this being said, this guide will not only reveal why low-impact workouts for women are trending, but also highlight the best low-intensity exercise routines that you can include in your daily, every-other-day (EOD) or weekly training sessions. You will get to know how you can optimize the benefits of these low-impact workouts.

Why Are Low-Impact Workouts for Women Trending?

Low-impact workouts for women are fast gaining in popularity for several reasons, but here are five universally acceptable reasons why more and more women are taking to this form of workout today.

#1. Low-Impact Workouts Focus On Joint-Friendly Fitness Routines

It is no secret that high-impact workouts like plyometrics, jumping and sprinting tend to put a tremendous amount of strain and stress on the joints leading to injuries, but this is not necessarily the case with low-impact workouts.

In fact, instead of causing wear and tear to your ankle, hip and knee joints, low-impact workouts are gentle to your joints enabling you to build your endurance and strength over time while to large degree avoiding major injuries to your joints that could set your training back for weeks or months at a time.

#2. Low-Impact Workouts Offer Mainly Holistic Health and Fitness Trends

While weight or fat loss and muscle definition fitness goals are great and indeed here to stay, more women are looking for more from their fitness routines.

Today, women are gravitating more to holistic health and fitness trends that will not only improve their looks, but will also enhance their overall health and physical well-being while at the same time supporting their emotional, psychological and mental state of mind.

More women engage in  low-impact workouts because of their ability to relieve stress and improve a person’s overall well-being through controlled breathing techniques, relaxation and meditation strategies.

#3. Low-Impact Workouts Offer Sustainability and Longevity

The injuries that could be sustained from high-intensity fitness routines make low-impact workouts a more sustainable fitness trend that offers greater longevity, as you can practically maintain low-impact workout routines for the long haul without worrying about hapless injuries or burnout.

#4. Low-Impact Builds Flexibility, Endurance and Strength

Women can tone their muscles, improve their flexibility and build their endurance and strength levels with low-impact workouts.

Engaging in swimming, resistance band training, yoga, and Pilates will engage and tone several muscle groups while enhancing posture, and building up your stamina, endurance and functional strength.

#5. Low-Impact Workouts are Convenient and Fully Accessible

You do not have to worry about hitting the gym or buying expensive equipment when it comes to low-impact workouts. This is because this fitness trend can be done at home, work or virtually anywhere with no equipment needed.

This makes low-impact a great option for anyone with a busy work schedule, those needing a convenient fitness routine to engage in or those who are looking to gradually recover from their injuries.

What Are the Best Low-Impact Workouts for Women?

The best low-impact workouts for women are those exercise routines that help to improve dexterity, build up endurance and strength, and improve your overall fitness and health without exerting too much strain on your overall body.

Here are five (5) of the best low-impact workouts for women around the world and of all ages.

#1. Pilates

If you want to improve your core stability and strength, then Pilates is a sure bet. Pilates is a low-impact workout for women that focuses on measured movements to reduce back pain, improve muscle endurance, core stability, dexterity, posture, coordination and balance.

If you are looking to have a toned, lean physique, then Pilates workouts with the likes of leg circles, single-leg stretch, the hundred, and rolling like a ball will help you greatly.

#2. Yoga

When it comes to yoga, it is not just about stretching out your limbs, it is about engaging your entire body to relax and tone your muscles while also improving your dexterity, coordination and balance in the process.

The best Pilates and yoga exercises for beginners include the Pilates exercise highlighted earlier and yoga poses like the Plank Pose, Warrior Pose, Downward Dog, and Bridge Pose.

#3. Walking

Walking tends to be an exercise that is often overlooked, but it is one that supports your heart health and weight management while boosting mental health.

What’s more, walking can be done at any time and anywhere. You can go on a brisk outdoor-walk or if you prefer, you can make use of an incline treadmill at home or at your local gym.

#4. Resistance Band Training

With resistance band training, you can give your workout added tension without you worrying about incurring joint injuries like in the case of weight training.

Resistance band training will help you build endurance, strength and lean muscle. You can try out bicep curls, seated row, glute bridges, and squats with a resistance band.

#5. Swimming

With swimming you do not place any impact on your joints while you engage several muscle groups in the process as water serves as the resistance during this exercise.

Swimming is also great for your cardiovascular conditioning and if you want to recover from an injury, swimming is the way to go.

As a low-impact workout, swimming will help you to build endurance and strength while also improving your overall flexibility.

You can try out several water-based exercises like arm circles, water squats, leg kicks, and water walking to improve your strength and endurance levels.

How to Add Low-Impact Workouts to Your Training Regimen

As a beginner, you can start off with between 2 to 3 low-impact workout sessions a week. You should add resistance training, yoga, or Pilates to your workout regimen.

By varying your low-impact workouts, you will be able to target multiple muscle groups while also making your workout sessions a bit more exciting.

Be sure to listen to your body at all times and take a break whenever you feel stressed. Try to master proper form when executing any low-impact workout and make sure your movement is always measured and controlled.

Remember, consistency is key and make sure you vary your low-impact exercises choosing only those that get you excited and motivated to workout.


Low-impact workouts for women is a trend that is here to stay as it offers benefits like improved balance, coordination, flexibility, strength and endurance with very little risk of joint injuries in particular.

In addition, low-impact workouts offer a holistic approach as they help to boost cardiovascular and mental health.

Do you want to learn more about low-impact workouts?

You can chat with an expert today and have your personalized low-impact workout plan drawn up. Just get in touch with us for your free coaching today.

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